"The swedes know their pop"... the 'duh' statement of a lifetime. The short list of my favorite Swedish acts include The Embassy, The Knife, Peter Bjorn & John, The Radio Dept, and Tiger Lou... and that's completely ignoring pop kings ABBA and Ace of Base!
generic stock photo... apologies to owner
Well add LO-FI-FNK to the party, as I've been elated with their music after discovering them not too long ago (shame on me, and as evidenced by my drastic increase in track play on last.fm). These kids started out back while in high school in 2000 as a way to reflect themselves at that point in time of their lives. Hundreds of tour dates and a pair of EP's later, they ended up bringing us their first LP, Boylife (2006). The feverishly contagious synth-pop electronica combined with lyrics that yearn for the big time flashy posh lifestyle is as pop as they come.
Tracks like "City" that talk about a boy growing up in the country with big dreams, and realizing its about time to grow up and mature out of the lazy day-to-day irresponsibilities in life. And "Adore" which is just simply a blossoming crush, brings us all back to a simpler life.

Rumors are spreading (and if they weren't, then I'll start them) about a new full length studio album in the works. Can only hope that that turns to reality. Check out a few personal fav-remixes below, but be sure to pick up their LP and attend a show or six of theirs (if you happen to be in Europe...hopefully they'll come back to the states soon).
Mp3: LO-FI-FNK "City (The Teenagers Remix)"
Mp3: The Russian Futurists "Paul Simon (LO-FI-FNK Remix)"
Mp3: LO-FI-FNK "Adore"

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