I got some sweet ish today from an Aussie who just moved back to Perth, Alex Darkly . These aren't too shabby if I do say so. He's particularly proud of his Digitalism remix, as well he should be. Give it a listen, it adds just enough elements to give it it's own flavor while still holding true to the original. Whether this is the personified style that Alex will be steering towards in the future, I don't know. But you should stay tuned here as he's about done with another couple remixes that he thinks are even better.
Alternative content
Mp3: Digitalism - Taken Away (Alex Darkly Remix) (320 kbs)
Alternative content
Mp3: Alex Darkly - Bop Bop Bop (320 kbs)
Alternative content
Mp3: Alex Darkly - Hey! (320 kbs)

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