Now that bestuvoate is almost over, I can get back to posting some of the great tracks that have landed in the ole' inbox over the last couple weeks. Please pardon the lack of in-depth analysis as I attempt to play a bit of catch-up.
Two new tracks from Montreal based Kegaska (No Commercial Value). "The Falconer" turns house friendly at 1:27, while Moonbeams is pretty sweet throughout. [beatport]
Kegaska - The Falconer | download
Kegaska - Moonbeams! | download
Also new from Tantrum records is a new electro-dubby remix of DumBass's "Fuck the Poor" remixed by Flapsandwich, the producer behind 5 piece live electro-punk outfit Sicknote.
DumBass - Fuck the Poor (Flapsandwich Remix) | download
Out of Japan comes a pair of new tracks from Hoshina Anniversary. Their demo of "Mask" starts fidget and ends as a solid stadium house track, and might actually be my favorite of the two (GNK is well over 7 minutes of equally solid house, but 7 minutes really?).
Hoshina Anniversary - Mask (Demo Version) | download
Hoshina Anniversary - GNK feat Kei | download
Last but not least is a new featured release for Chicago's own Dani Deahl off of Red Stick Recordings. The original track is ace on it's own, but the single get's the remix treatment from UK's Kamisshake and Chicago's The House Moguls. Get it now exclusively at beatport.

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