Original title huh? Thought of it all myself, no big deal. But yea... just to remind y'alls, Felix da Housecat will be gracing Chicago once again this Wednesday at Debonair Social Club.
The second coming of Chicago House released a new album last year by the title Virgo Blaktro and the Movie Disco (which is already on its 3rd single, "Radio"). He's even dropped his first dealings with Global Underground in GU34 Milan. Def check out what you can of him.
I posted a few new tracks and remixes that might see some play on Wednesday. Check the Deb for more details and future sets. And buy his shit bitches.

"Radio" [youtube]
"Like Something 4 Porno!" [youtube]
"Rocket Ride" [youtube]
Mp3: Felix Da Housecat - Radio
Mp3: Felix Da Housecat - Radio (DatA Remix)
Mp3: Infadels - Can't Get Enough (Felix Da Housecat Remix)
Mp3: Buy Now - For Sale (Felix Da Housecat Remix)

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