I'm not really sure on the legalities or courtesies of these contests... if its frowned to spread the word, or link to the files. So instead of hosting the .zip files myself, I'll just give you laptop DJ's the heads up.

Head over to Discobelle for the files. The contest is for Don Rimini's track "Hools" off his newly released EP Kick'N Run. And if you're not interested in actually competing, it's still a great resource for practicing and honing your remixing skills... (lordy knows we all need more practice)
Here's a lower quality version of the song. Be sure to go grab the whole EP (in kick ace 320 kbs) over at Beatport.
Mp3: Don Rimini - Hools
[remix contest at discobelle]
[don rimini myspace]
[buy the album]
And a final note... VoulesRandom recently did an interview with the dirty Frenchman himself. Go dive in!

2 bitches:
thx for the link to the DR interview!
thank YOU for the ace interview! good stuff.
btw... you write for Ohh! Crap too??? killer bro
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