Those of you who might ever venture up to Wrigleyville, walk north a few blocks from the stadium, and head into the catacombs under the Metro, will have already enjoyed the ace house tunes emanating from the uber sound system of Smart Bar. Whatever night(s) you decide to attend, chances are good that the music will be thanks to James Amato; if not being performed by James, then from one of the artists on his label, or at the very least, an artist he brought in as the Director of all music bookings.
His aforementioned label, Potty Mouth Music, has signed world-renowned artists in the likes of Andy George and Scott Cooper (UK), Klaus Hill (Australia), Crookers (Italy), Electric Soulside (Belgium) and Santiago & Bushido (Chicago). Their 12th promo EP is out now, of which I will feature on the next post, and have a few more on the slate in the coming month.
And what do all these bands have in common? Well they all explore and experiment with a dirty glitchy form of electro that's been come to be known as 'fidget house'.
"Potty Mouth ditches conventional house boundaries, imploring turntable trickery, unconventional loops and straight up techno into its catalogue of tracks"It's a fever and a half that's for sure. And to satisfy your fidget appetites, here's a mix from the one and only James Amato. Expect much more from Potty Mouth in the future here on soquitcherbitchen.
Mp3: James Amato - 36 Chambers of Fidget (Fidget Mix) [right click save as]

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