I guess being an ace producer hiding behind an unknown moniker is the cool thing to do nowadays (e.g. Fake Blood), and Zodiac Cartel fits the same mold of producing and remixing material so fresh, twisted and tech'd out that the world's house elite cant help but spin them.
Even with chart success and approval from industry giants, Zodiac Cartel has for the most part managed to keep a low profile, avoid press pics, interviews, and DJ appearances. Whatever he decides to do in the PR department is fine with me, so long as he keeps on dropping house gems like below. His "Rave Is King" remix isn't even released yet (hence the soundcloud player teaser)... but dont let the word 'taster' fool you, these are great examples of how good Zodiac Cartel can ignite a crowd, and should be enough for you to you sign up for a beatport account and buy some ish.

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