You remember a few weeks ago when Dani Deahl's label, Calamity Jane Records introduced us all to their new signing The Glamour? You don't? Well then you're worthless.
But those of you who are worth a dime might want to head out to the Deb on December 5th to party with The Glamour, Dani, Specs, Willy Joy, and the rest of Chicago for a the Blac and Pink Ball. Those that come donned in CJ colors (that'd be Black and Pink you smarties) will receive special goodie bags with ish you can show-off to your lamer friends.
See ya bitches out there!
Mp3: The Glamour - Kidz Night
Mp3: Dani Deahl - The Sound of Disco
Mp3: Capcom - A Prayer for Kevin Garnett (Willy Joy's Safe Journeys Remix)

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