Well fear not my fellow Chitown electrobots. Two unnecessary parties are in line for the next couple of nights. Starting things off Wednesday night at the Double Door, Urb Magazine presents the 'Cool By Association Mixtape Release Party'. Apparantly there will be some 'fresh noise' from the likes of DJ Zebo, Murderbot and the Starters DJ's. Notice the guest list at the bottom of the flier... you might've heard of a few of them, Flosstradamus, Crystal Castles, and Kid Sister included.
Head over to Hot Biscuits for some tracks from the featured spinners. [link]
Then on Thursday we are privileged to be one of the cities on the "Tales of Colt45 Tour" which features Drop The Lime (many know them as Curses!). They're playing at the Hideout, which I have yet to visit, but heard some sweet things about. Chicago will have special guests Brilliant Pebbles, Clique Talk, and DJ Willy Joy on the decks as well.

Here are some of the latest tracks from Curses! that should get you in the mood for some weekday pan flashing.
Mp3: Midnight Juggernauts - Road to Recovery (Curses! Remix)
Mp3: Health - Perfect Skin (Curses! Remix)
Plus something Willy Joy was able to send over from his new 12". Definitely digging this. Buy the album here. [link]
Mp3: Capcom - A Prayer for Kevin Garnett (Willy Joy's Safe Journeys Remix)

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