Quite the week indeed. Finally able to chillax, listen to some new music, and sit down to make some long overdue posts. As you might've noticed on the sidebar, is a new Drop Box widget from SoundCloud. Now any artist or label can submit music in an easy, secure, and hassle free manner. It's still in beta (i think) so there might be hiccups along the way, but anything is better than the old tired methods like zshare, ysi, etc. So try it out kids!
And from the Drop Box to you the readers... are a few songs that peeps have already been kind enough to submit. Lemme just say now, a word of warning... these tracks hold the unfortunate side effect of causing spontaneous human combustion. I know some of you may be thinking that'd be an awesome sight... but I have the 3rd degree self inflicted burns to prove otherwise. Thanks a lot awesome artists... I'll be sending you my medical bills.
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Mp3: Brilliants - Tion (IKKI Remix) [this dude from Spain has the distinction of some incredibly insane synths and glitched vocals. That's what we all want in our electro right? Check out IKKI on his myspace for some more hyper paced ish]
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Mp3: 2Pac - California Love (Big Na$ty Remix) [this song exploded last week on hypem thanks in part to hot bizzies' coverage. Big Nasty is signed on Burn the Fire Records (same label as Mr Gaspar and Cold Blank among others). Expect a lot more flammables from this LA based deejay... including an A-Trak "Say Whoa" remix!]
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Mp3: Panda Riot - She Dares All Things [Did you hear the Panda Riot cover of Paper Planes I posted a few days ago? Same band, same great shoegazing sound, and represtin' the shit out of Chicago. They formed a few years ago in Philly but recently transplanted themselves here in the midwest. They'll be working on a new album over the next several months, so my suggestion would be to pick up their first album to get acquainted with their amazing proven sound before they hit the live venue's again]
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Mp3: Late of the Pier - VW (Old School Reunion Remix) [James & Celeste have come a long way in their music production and remixing skills. From LoveStory, to their first self released EP, and now to their latest LotP remix. And their talents and efforts have been rightfully rewarded with a signing to new French label On The Fruit Records. The label is set to bring your ass back to the dance floor... with the help of OSR, who will have a new EP released shortly.]

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