That's four you idiots, learn some culture. Its time once again for soquitcherbitchen's pseudo-monthly collection of electro that's either too old to post as new, too good to miss, or simply too good to have actually been submitted to me. Whichever way you feel like seeing it, all these tracks are hotter than sex.
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Mp3: Walter Meego - Forever (Van She Tech Remix) (right-click to save) [start things off with some chitown love, the seemingly ELO inspired wisdoms of Walter Meego are fittingly electro-fied by Van She Technologic. Have you ever heard a bad Van She Tech rub? No is the correct answer, and Discodust agrees]
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Mp3: Totally Michael - Winona (Miami Horror Remix) (right-click to save) [Totally Michael basically relives my adolescence from watching Beetlejuice and falling in love a young and innocent Winona Ryder. Beautious!]
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Mp3: Justice - Planisphere (Mmmatthias Remix) (right-click to save) [I guess I could've just posted the original Planisphere, but I'd rather post the one that sounds good (oh shut up flamers... the original mixes are all effin awesome, but I've always liked everything that Mmmatthias touches, so I gave him the nod here)]
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Mp3: OH SNAP!! - I'm Too Fat To Be A Hipster (right-click to save) [maybe one of the best songs ever created. Ever. I'm not overweight by any streatch of the imagination, but it's the overall message that makes this song unique... you perpetrain' posers better re-cog-nize. haha, and i love the self-made echo fade effect]
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Mp3: Cornershop - Brimful of Asha (Fatboy Slim Remix) (right-click to save) [everybody needs a bosom for a pillow, everybody needs a bosom... never were there more truer words spoken]
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Mp3: Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Soulwax Remix) (right-click to save) [not much to say about this other than soulwax is totally awesome. This is off last year's remix album (buy here). Go watch Part of the Weekend Never Dies (buy here) and enjoy more ish from the flavorful scene of hipster/raver-never-ending-debauchery]
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Mp3: Little Boots - Stuck On Repeat (Fake Blood Remix) (right-click to save) [is there a more beautiful and talented woman in electronica than Little Boots? The mysterious Fake Blood (has anyone figured out who he/she/they are yet?) does what you've come to expect]
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Mp3: Buddy Akai - Cut Me Up (Villains Remix) (right-click to save) [how can i do an all-star post without including something from Villains? Here's a banger (first time I used that in this post!) in case you missed it the first time it dropped]

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