Something that I might not yet understand in regards to music and mp3 blogging. When an artist/band/label sends you a track, unless otherwise stated, they are giving you permission to post that track on your blog. Right? Did I miss a memo somewhere... cos while I haven't yet received any warnings personally about violating any RIAA etc rules, I know other blogs have. Other way more successful and coherent blogs. What gives those agencies the tip is beyond me. Btw, all these straight from the gmail account.
Alternative content
Mp3: GRUM - Whoa (FutureFlashs Disco Mix) | download [so i hear grum is making his first US appearance in November as part of his remix contest with Finger On The Pulse in New York. too bad chicago isn't on the agenda, bitches]
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Mp3: Proxy - Raven (Dirty Disco Youth Remix) | download [the hamburg remixer puts the heavy crunch on the proxy's industrial masterpiece (is that not the creepiest song you've ever heard?)]
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Mp3: Hall & Oates - Out of Touch (Action Jackson Remix) | download [other than watching both the goonies and karate kid this weekend... this song brings me back to the good times]
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Mp3: Ladyhawke - Dusk Til Dawn (Alex Darkly Remix) | download [when I love an original track, it's sometimes difficult to stomach remixes that drift too far away from what you loved in the original. Thankfully Alex Darkly kept it in the ballpark]
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Mp3: Mr Vega - Techno-color | download [new track from brooklyn remixer/producer Joshua Vega. His last.fm page is full of his other tracks, all worthwhile for a listen]
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Mp3: Wu-Tang Clan - Gravel Pit (Disco Villains Remix) | download [by far my favorite Wu-Tang song, and Disco Villains pwnd the ish out of this one yet again. btw the disco villains are absolutely exploding, as long as you consider Rolling Stone coverage exploding (even tho the editors byte was worthless)]
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Mp3: OldSchoolReunion - Bring Me the Accapella | download [you guys knew that James & Celeste picked up an EP deal with On the Fruit Records right? well now you know, and it's probably going to be pretty epic... i've loved every one of their other releases, why stop now?]
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Mp3: Gordon Gonzola - Psycho Disco | download [i only wish the break in this was 4 measures instead of 8... else this is a perfect house track to work into any mix... dj's take note]

3 bitches:
wow, that raven remix is insane...
indeed. i've got a mixtape he did as well that's full of crunch, and even tho most of the tracks are rather overplayed its still good ish
siiic remix!!... aye check out this remix of O.D.B...
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