[when we last visited our friendly neighborhood electro blog, we were discussing how drab of a city Chicago is from an outsiders' perspective, while I was attempting to disprove said claim]
hipsters encompassing the infamous Sonotheque 'bubble'
So a week or so after MSTRKRFT pwn3d the ish out of chitown, came one incredible week for any electrobot. Things kicked off at one of my favorite locales, Sonotheque, where Simian Mobile Disco did a DJ set for about 250+ crazed hipsters all jammed like sardines into the sehr intimate, sehr loud, und sehr bier freundlich venue (where else can you drink Beamish Irish Stout, Old Speckled Hen English Ale, and PBR's all night? psshhh... New York? please...)

smd stocking up on champaigne like its none yo bidness
Since it was technically just a DJ set, instead of a full blown live show, they didn't play too much of their own material, (at least not what I could recognize), rather they played a large collection of bangin' remixes. One from ZZT was most noticeable, which really got surprisingly educated crowd in an anticipation frenzy culminating in a thumping atmosphere.

Overall the set was great, however I wish that they were more out in the open rather than cooped up in the bubble that Sonotheque features (not their fault). I heard that SMD usually has a pretty impressive stage set up, but that must be for their actual shows. They played til the owners flipped the lights and kicked everyone out... so I guess that's a success! Afterall, didn't have a lot of time to recover tho, as Digitalism was next on the agenda.
[Will our hero be able to recover from a night of electro remixes? Or was SMD too much for one man to handle. We'll find out tomorrow, on the next episode of 'Chicago is better than Brooklyn'. Same bangin' time, same bangin' channel.]
Simian Mobile @ Sonotheque [youtube]
SMD downing Heinies and droppin' beats [youtube]
Mp3: ZZT "Lower State of Consciousness (Justice Remix)"
Mp3: Simian Mobile Disco "Sleep Deprivation (12" Version)"

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